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Version: Release

Integrating the Notifi Frontend Client



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This guide covers the Notifi Frontend Client, a toolset that allows integrating Notifi tooling into a custom React UX. If you want to integrate Notifi using a self-contained widget instead, view our guide on how to use the Notifi React Card.


npm i @notifi-network/notifi-frontend-client

🪝 Hook up the SDK and initialize the Client

Load the Notifi Frontend Client SDK into your component.

Instantiate and configure the Notifi Client for your dApp and environment. If your user has not connected their wallet, they will need to do so in order to instantiate the client.

const accountAddress = '<The-wallet-public-account-address>';
const walletPublicKey = "<The wallet's public key>";
const tenantId = '<Tenant ID received through the Notifi Config Tool>';
const blockchainEnv = 'Production';

const client = newFrontendClient({
account: {
address: accountAddress, // string
publicKey: walletPublicKey, // string
env: blockchainEnv,
// replace with your blockchain
walletBlockchain: 'APTOS',

const newUserState = await client.initialize();

Signature Authorization

For a user to opt-in for notifications, they will need to provide their signature. This signature will then be used to authorize the user's connected wallet address with Notifi and create the account with Notifi.

Using the wallet adapter of your choice, prompt the user to sign and use the signed message in the logIn() hook.

// replace AptosSignMessageFunction with your blockchain SignMessageFunction
const signMessage: AptosSignMessageFunction = async (message, nonce) => {
if (!wallet) {
// the wallet object will be differ based on the wallet adapter you use
throw new Error('Wallet not connected');

// You will need to use the 'signMessage' method of your wallet adapter to sign the message.
const signature = await wallet.signMessage({

return signature; // string (if the signature is not string format, you will need to convert it to string)

const logIn = async () => {
const userState: UserState = client.userState;
if (userState.status === 'authenticated') {
return 'User is already logged in';

const loginResult = await client.logIn({
// replace with your blockchain
walletBlockchain: 'APTOS',
} as SignMessageParams);
// client should be authenticated now
console.log('loginResult', loginResult);
return loginResult;

Create the Alert

Once your user enters their contact information and options for their first alert, use the ensureTargetGroup() to create a target group of their contact information and a source group of their desired alert options.

In order to create a target group, ensureTargetGroup() must pass in least one email address, phone number, Telegram Id, or Webhook URL. Dapp admins can update pass in a Webhook URL to receive all of the notifications instead of a user email address, phone number, or Telegram Id.

In order to create a source group, ensureSourceGroup() must pass in metadata of the alert options returned in the Rendering Alert Options section.

const targetGroup = client.ensureTargetGroup({
name: 'Default',
emailAddress: 'user-email',

Then, use the ensureAlert() to create the first alert when your user tends to subscribe an alert.

This example shows how to create (user subscribe) a Broadcast message alert.

// Given that you have one Broadcast Topic in Notifi Admin Portal.

const subscribeAlert = () => {
const subscriptionCardConfig = await client.fetchSubscriptionCard();

const broadcastEventType: EventTypeItem = subscriptionCardConfig.eventTypes[0];

await client.ensureAlert({
eventType: broadcastEventType,
inputs: {},

Updating the Alert

If a user wants to update their alert by changing the email address notifications are sent to, or to add a phone number for SMS notifications, you can repeat the process above by calling ensureTargetGroup() and ensureAlert() again.

Deleting the Alert

To delete an alert, use deleteAlert(), which simply takes the id of the alert to be deleted. Here is what that looks like in our use case where the user only has one alert in their account:

const handleDeleteAlert = async () => {
try {
const alerts = await getAlert();
const response = await deleteAlert({
alertId: alerts?.[0]?.id,
return response;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof GqlError) {
// handle the Notifi GqlError

🔔 Get Notification History

To get notification history, use the getNotificationHistory()

const getNotificationHistory = async (first?: number, after?: string) => {
// Fetch `first` items after the `after` cursor (leave undefined for first page)
const { nodes, pageInfo } = await client.getNotificationHistory({

nodes.forEach((item) => {
if (item.detail?.__typename === 'BroadcastMessageEventDetails') {
'I have a broadcast message',

console.log('pageInfo', pageInfo.hasNextPage, pageInfo.endCursor);

return {

📝 Check out more example

For more example in different blockchain, please visit notifi-react-example

You can also clone the example and run it locally.