Styling Your Notifications
Once you create a Sent From My Server or Notifi Hosted topic, you will need to create templates for it. A template defines the overall form of a message, including any styling and formatting, so that messages can be both formatted individually per target platform and so that messages can be sent without having to include the styling boilerplate every time.
Community Manager topics include their own templates, with template variables managed by Community Manager.
Editing Templates
To edit the template for a topic, find the topic under Alert Manager in Admin Portal, then click Define Templates.
A new page will appear, allowing you to select a template type on the left and enter template content in the center. You can enter HTML for Alert History, Email, and Telegram; Markdown for Discord and Slack, and plain text for SMS. You can also enter templates for the subject lines for the Alert History and Email templates. Once you have updated your template content for a target type, click Save.
Notifi templates use the Mustache engine to
template messages. The variables you pass into the fusion message/event (such as through the
call) are available through the {{eventData}}
object and can be
navigated through dot syntax (e.g. a balance
variable can be accessed through
). For a full reference of all the other variables that are available,
view the Notifi template variable reference.
Templated Message Limits
Each platform has its own considerations for what format messages should be written in, the maximum allowed message size, etc. These are detailed in the Notifi template platform reference.
An Example
If we have this email template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<h1>Balance Update</h1>
<p>A transaction has been recorded on the wallet with address {{eventData.walletAddress}}:</p>
<td>Transaction Hash</td>
<td>Transaction Fee</td>
<a style="text-size: 8pt;" href="{{unsubscribe_url}}">Unsubscribe</a>
and we make this call from the Notifi SDK:
await client.publishFusionMessage(token, [{
eventTypeId: "abc123", // whatever the actual eventTypeId is
variablesJson: {
txHash: "0xe307bd8253f8cd78992b2ebcc6169f1af3e59cb7341f5ae1154809a2d9a4e15f",
walletAddress: "0xDa7C1116b53e13D74F4fAb3356A2032dFd12915B",
sourceAddress: "0xDa7C1116b53e13D74F4fAb3356A2032dFd12915B",
destinationAddress: "0x004fD37b5797158495c07D062D82969dCF3482c6",
tokenType: "MATIC",
txAmount: 0,
txFee: 0.002618999617286668
specificWallets: [{
walletPublicKey: "0xDa7C1116b53e13D74F4fAb3356A2032dFd12915B",
walletBlockchain: "POLYGON",
Notifi will send the following email:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<h1>Balance Update</h1>
<p>A transaction has been recorded on the wallet with address 0xDa7C1116b53e13D74F4fAb3356A2032dFd12915B:</p>
<td>Transaction Hash</td>
<td>Transaction Fee</td>
<a style="text-size: 8pt;" href="">Unsubscribe</a>